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Simba: Simulation Framework for Battery-Free Systems

Simba is an open-source simulation framework that allows to explore and facilitate the design of battery-free systems and is freely available on Github.

The design of battery-free systems (i.e., embedded devices powered by energy harvesters) is complex, as these devices cover a huge design space, exhibit non-trivial energy-driven dependencies between their different components, and are typically hard to debug, verify, evaluate, and compare.

Simba enables a fast and easy simulation of battery-free devices by integrating different component models and datasets in a single simulation core, and can thus be used for both long-term simulations with real-world traces (i.e., to verify given designs) and short-term simulations with small time granularity (i.e., to explore design options and gain a better understanding of interactions between different components).


  • Python-based simulation framework for battery-free devices consisting of an energy harvester, a capacitor, converter(s), and a load.
  • Modular architecture allows to integrate a variety of different models and datasets.
  • Versatile logging possibilities.
  • Support for small-scale simulations (e.g., arbitrary time resolution \(\leq 1\mu s\)) and long-term simulations (e.g., several weeks of real-world harvesting traces).
  • Trade-off exploration tool that allows automatically run experiments and retrieve statistics, so to derive optimal parameters for a given application.

Example Use Case

The following example highlights the dependencies between device components within battery-free systems based on an intermittently-powered device that employs reactive intermittent computing (also called just-in-time checkpointing).

Intermittent computing (IC)

If the incoming (i.e., harvested) current is smaller than the outgoing (i.e., load) current, the device cannot operate continuously, but intermittently. This means that the device repeatedly experiences power-failures and has to use state-retention mechanisms (i.e., checkpointing) to ensure eventual progress in its application.

A reactive IC device does this by observing its capacitor voltage and triggering a state-saving operation just before a power failure (i.e., at a certain threshold \(V_{Chkpt}\)). After the save operation, the device turns off and waits until its capacitor is recharged (i.e., to a certain threshold \(V_{High}\)), turns on to restore its state and continues operating until a state-save operation is triggered again.

Exploring forward progress and reactivity

The behavior (and efficiency) of such devices can vary significantly and depends on the chosen checkpointing parameters (e.g., \(V_{High}\), \(V_{Chkpt}\), checkpoint size, ...), but also on the employed device components (e.g., energy harvester, capacitor). To quantify the performance of intermittent computing devices, the following metrics can be used:

  • Forward progress (\(FP\)): Describes the time a device spends on useful work (i.e., computation) in relation to the total elapsed time (i.e., charging, checkpointing, ...).
  • Unavailability (\(t_{Unavailable}\)): Describes the time in which a device is not responsive, i.e., because of recharging or checkpointing activities.

Note that these metrics are competing with each other (the higher \(FP\), the higher \(t_{Unavailable}\)) and thus, depending on the application, an appropriate trade-off must be found. For example, sensing application might favor a small unavailability (e.g., to capture events), while computation-heavy applications might favor forward progress. \(FP\) and \(t_{Unavailable}\) are highly dependent on many device properties, including the capacitance and harvesting current.

Simulation example

To showcase this behavior, we simulate such a reactive IC sensor node using different capacitances (\(C\)) and harvesting currents (\(I_{in}\)) and retrieve the \(FP\) and \(t_{Unavailable}\) for each configuration1.


Larger capacitances give a higher forward progress (due to smaller checkpointing overhead), but increase unavailability because of longer charging times.


Forward progress and unavailability are further affected by the harvesting current (as well as load current), which must thus be considered carefully for any given application.

Simba allows to explore these dependencies and can help to verify whether designs can meet the application requirements.

  1. This example is also available in the simulator repo under Simulations/