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The IVCurve module contains the IV curve of a energy harvester at the certain environmental condition (e.g., for solar panel this means a single IV-curve at a certain brightness). This module thus allows to incorporate the non-linear behavior of many harvesters into the simulation.

The IV-curves are stored in Harvesters/harvesting_data/IVCurves as .json-Files. To add new IV-Curves, see Tools/ and the corresponding Readme.


Parameter man./opt. Value Description
file m Filename Filename of .json-File that contains the IV curve data.
log o Boolean Define whether logging is enabled (Default: False)

Example configuration(s)

harvest_config = {  'type'       : 'IVCurve',
                    'settings'   : {'file'       : 'KXOB25-02-X8F_lux20000.json',
                                    'log' : LOG