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The SolarPanel module allows to use long-term real-world solar energy harvesting traces in simulation, by including - a PV cell model that can be configured according to parameters that are typically available in datasheets, and - real-world solar irradiance traces from existing datasets (e.g., NREL for outdoor and ENHANTS for indoor environments).

Examples for solar irradiance traces and their format can be found in Harvesters/harvesting_data/SolarTraces/DATASET. They can be extended with additional custom traces or with traces downloaded from the mentioned datasets (see Readmes in the corresponding folders).


Parameter man./opt. Value Description
file m Filename Filename of .json-File that contains the solar irradiation trace (e.g., DATASET/trace.json)
t_start o Time in seconds Start time of harvesting trace for simulation (to cut beginning of full trace) (Default: 0)
t_max o Time in seconds Total time of harvesting trace for simulation (to cut end of full trace and limit amount of stored data during simulation) (Default: max. trace length)
i_sc m Current in A Short circuit current of solar panel (or single cell) at 1000 W/m2
v_oc m Voltage in V Open circuit voltage of solar panel (or single cell) at 1000 W/m2
i_mpp m Current in A Current at MPP at 1000 W/m2
v_mpp m Voltage in V Voltage at MPP at 1000 W/m2
num_cells o Integer Number of PV cells in solar panel (Default: 1)
connection o* "parallel" or "series" Define how the PV cells are connected
log o Boolean Define whether logging is enabled (Default: False)

* mandatory if num_cells > 1

Example configuration(s)

harvest_config = {'type'       : 'SolarPanel',
                  'settings'   : {'file'       : 'NREL/2023jun.json',
                                  'i_sc' : 14.8e-3,
                                  'v_oc' : 3.56,
                                  'v_mpp': 2.6,
                                  'i_mpp': 12.1e-3,
                                  'log' : True

harvest_config = {'type'       : 'SolarPanel',
                  'settings'   : {'file'       : 'NREL/2023jun.json',
                                  'i_sc' : 14.8e-3,
                                  'v_oc' : 3.56,
                                  'v_mpp': 2.6,
                                  'i_mpp': 12.1e-3,
                                  'num_cells' : 2,
                                  'connection' : 'parallel'
                                  'log' : True